Bluetooth-Enabled Blood Pressure Monitoring

Keep your blood pressure in check with our state-of-the-art devices, ensuring timely and accurate readings.

Bluetooth-Enabled Blood Sugar Monitoring

Manage your diabetes effectively with our advanced blood sugar monitoring solutions, providing real-time data for better control.

Bluetooth-Enabled Pulse and Oxygen Monitoring

Monitor your heart rate and oxygen levels effortlessly, ensuring your vital signs are always within the safe range.

Bluetooth-Enabled Weighing Scale

Track your weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle with our reliable weighing solutions.

24/7 Medical Support Team

Our dedicated medical doctors, pharmacists, and nurses are available round-the-clock to monitor your health and provide immediate assistance when needed.

Proactive Care

Receive immediate contact in case of abnormal readings, ensuring timely intervention and peace of mind.

Monthly Health Check-Ins and Medication Review

Stay on top of your health with monthly check-ins and medication reviews, ensuring your treatment plan is always optimized.

Complimentary Lab and Imaging Reviews

Benefit from free lab work, X-ray, and other imaging reviews by our experienced US-based physicians.

Collaborative Care with Local and International Support

We work hand-in-hand with your local doctor, using collected readings for a comprehensive healthcare experience. Additionally, we ensure selected family members, both in Ghana and abroad, are kept in the loop regarding your health and medication updates.

User-Friendly Patient Portal

Monitor your health seamlessly using our patient portal, available on both Apple and Android platforms.

Emergency Prevention

Take a proactive approach to your health, preventing medical emergencies such as falls, strokes, and heart attacks.


We offer a variety of membership plans to suit your individual healthcare needs and budget. Select the plan that’s right for you and gain access to continuous health monitoring, expert medical support, and a wealth of health resources.

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